Time to push back on an outdated education system

Let’s push back on formalised learning, and stand up for children. childhoods and PLAY Create spaces and places for inquisitive, curious minds. Regain trust in the children and allow them to lead the way. For they ARE the curriculum.
Early Years children, infants, toddlers and babies don’t need an institutionalised formal classroom, they need spaces and places where they feel safe, loved and secure. Spaces that offer softness, homeliness and a place to retreat and pause. 

Are you fed up of being governed by a plan or weekly topic, that you painstakingly write each week?

Disillusioned by a system that places academics above care giving moments? Pushing formalised learning down onto children in a hope to get them ahead, quicker, faster sooner.

Sick of working in a classroom that feels like a school even for our youngest babies? 

Change is possible.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

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see our Curiosity Approach CPD journey for you and your team 

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