Why we don't use plastic toys

"Nurseries without toys"

One of the many reasons why we don't use plastic toys.

The Curiosity Approach® use authentic resources or 'real items' such as ceramics and breakables in play!

Moving away from the traditional plastic tea sets which get dropped and thrown or mindlessly discarded.

Little care, attention or respect is given to these 'pretend' items because there is no consequence.

It doesn't matter if they get dropped, roughly handled or mistreated. NOTHING happens and nobody acknowledges if items get left on the floor or flung carelessly into the box or cupboard.

We are left to wonder why children handle items with little care or consideration. Its because there is no consequence! It Doesn’t  MATTER! Nothing happens!

Plastic, is virtually indestructible and rarely breaks. it lasts for decades. When thrown into landfill it takes 200 years + to decompose.

What lessons are we subliminally teaching children? What future do we have if everything they touch needs little care or consideration?

Everything children handle in this modern era is made of plastic, Toys, cutlery, cups and beakers. etc

Through taking away all the opportunities for children to manage risks, what important lessons are we denying them?

We need to empower children to take risks, to practice new skills and allow children to make decisions and learn to handle breakables whilst supported by confident educators.

We need to teach children to be thoughtful, mindful, considerate and respectful and it starts with how children PLAY.

At Curiosity Approach® settings, children are given the power, time and space to learn and practice and embed new skills.
Children are given the opportunity to build confidence in their own abilities and to learn RESPECT for resources and equipment.

To learn HOW to handle items with care and attention.
To TRUST in their skills as capable confident learners.

" How can children ever RESPECT the planet they live upon, if they cannot respect the resources and equipment they use?"

Plastic toys stifle so many opportunities for learning, to understand that items should be treated with careful consideration and to learn that their actions have consequences.

* At Curiosity Approach settings, risk assessments and supervision are given when playing with breakables. We support, scaffold and demonstrate how to handle items with care. We are role models and help children learn practice and embed new skills and to manage their own risk.


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