What do Curiosity Approach® settings look like? The transformational journey .

Are you curious about The Curiosity Approach®? Keen to see how you too can make change within your own setting?

To see the transformational journey of Early Childhood settings who have embarked upon their journey to adopt this 21st Pedagogy. 

The Curiosity Approach® is inspired by Reggio Emilia, Montessori and Steiner. Plus the curriculum of  New Zealand, Te Whariki and most recently Emmi Pickler. The Curiosity Approach® is a beautiful recipe book of these great philosophies and Pioneers bringing a modern day approach to Early Years, aimed at igniting passion, awe and wonder back into play. We are proud to stand on the shoulders of giants and help other Early Years educators to transform from traditional norms, moving beyond brightly coloured classrooms, through the use of loose parts, recycled materials and authentic resources. 

The Curiosity Approach® is proud to offer a 12 month accreditation program, which assists educators to transform and change provision and practice within their Early Childhood settings. To begin this journey educators must reflect on the Why! Why in this technological age, why change is necessary. 

As The Curiosity Approach® looks to share its pedagogy and its main aim is to reach as many children across the globe as possible, 

Here we look at the before and after images of a variety of settings who have embarked on our accreditation and give evidence that it is possible to go from ordinary to extraordinary and with our help, we show you how.

Willows Day Nursery in Basingstoke

Here are their before & after photos.

Creating calm & tranquil plays spaces, moving away from bright colours & plastic toys & academic resources

“ extensions of home & not watered down versions of school.”









Puddleducks Nursery 

 They are making incredible changes within their setting, creating inspirational play and learning space for children. Transforming an area into a beautiful reading den!


Hear what Puddleducks have to say about their setting...

"We are very excited to be working towards an accreditation called the ‘Curiosity Approach®’.

Having received our Ofsted OUTSTANDING judgement in March this year, this accreditation brings our team some new inspiration, to continue building on our exceptional practice.

This approach helps to take childhood back to what it used to be! In a digital age, with so many young children already addicted to electronic devices, 'The Curiosity Approach®' promises to bring awe and wonder in bucketfuls.

This accreditation is for forward-thinking settings like ours, who want to create beautiful environments for our incredible children, inspiring them to be inquisitive and curious, moulding the ‘thinkers and doers’ of the future.




Fairy Tales too Nursery in Dudley. 

This passionate tribe of Early Years educators signed up to The Curiosity Approach® Accreditation & have been working incredibly hard to progress through the 6 modules, looking to adopt the pedagogy & create calm & tranquil play spaces for children. 

Deb Latewood owner admits, the change from bright walls & decor was a big challenge as she loves colour. However she admits the impact on the children has been phenomenal, it’s so much calmer now & the children are more engaged.

“looking back it's amazing how even I say omg! The rooms are calmer and with the resources it's made the whole experience really





Sleepy Hollow is the very FIRST all Ireland, Centre of Excellence to be awarded their Curiosity Approach® Accreditation.

Already inspired by Reggio Emilia, they joined the Accreditation to have something tangible to help staff understand our Pedagogy.
To gain motivation, inspiration and solutions to change.


Bronagh and Diane wanted something to help their tribe use to REFLECT, asking questions like...."How does your environment FEEL for you and the children?

Is it designed & created with heart, soul and passion OR does it feel overpowering, OVERSTIMULATING & institutionalised? “Do you feel excited about walking into your setting each day ?




Knighton Day Nursery was the very first Nursery to complete the Curiosity Approach® Accreditation. 


Transforming their environment from 'plastic fantastic' to open-ended materials, loose parts and authentic resources and adopting our 21st Century Early Years Educational pedagogy.
As a united team, together they reflected upon on the impact of overstimulation in the environment, visual noise and how it affects children's behaviour, well being and engagement.

Over the course of a year-long period, the entire team joined together on a journey of professional development and understanding. Gaining deeper CLARITY on WHY change is necessary for children in this technological age and WHY the scales have tipped and we need to change the way we educate children in today's society.

They follow children's interests, learning styles and place the children at the centre of everything they do.





Invitation 2 Play is a wonderful setting in Sale Cheshire, which had 'already' been providing great opportunities and outcomes for children.


However the team/ TRIBE lead by Katie Inglis knew that they wanted to achieve MORE for the children who attend their setting. 

They knew that they could offer MORE than the traditional plastic resources, brightly coloured decor and display boards. 

They knew that quality teaching and learning could be improved and outcomes for children. If they looked carefully at the opportunities they provided for curiosity, investigation & discovery and more meaningful PLAY.
Places for intrigue, awe wonder & an environment crammed with places to tinker & explore! 

This team were passionate about striving for success for them and their CHILDREN!

Katie and her team tried going it ALONE and were already keen followers of The Curiosity Approach Facebook page.

However It was by joining The Curiosity Approach® Accreditation that MAGIC happened. The tribe became part of a wider ELITE community. They gained access to the powerful online toolkit and everything became a whole lot EASIER They gained confidence, commitment and CLARITY! They gained a vision and SOLUTIONS to make change. No longer was it GUESS work, no longer was it constantly trying to figure out, what to do and how to do it. TOGETHER their WHOLE team/ TRIBE came on board, working together for even better outcomes for children. 

This already hardworking team had just stepped up another level striving to continually learn and grow.





These settings and so many more  have either achieved their accreditation or are still on the journey.

If you would like to know more we can advice you that 

The Curiosity Approach® self-reflection toolkit enables Early Childhood settings to reflect on the quality of their provision. As a team, you can embark on a 12-month journey to create a culture of Curiosity, Awe & Wonder that is deeply embedded within your setting.

Evaluate and reflect on your current provision, gather evidence along the way to support your actions and showcase your quality improvement journey.

Want to know more ?  https://www.thecuriosityapproach.com/accreditation

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